Local Law-Raise Tax Cap

Tax Cap Public Hearing/Budget WorkshopOct 29, 2024, 5:00 – 7:30 PM (America/New_York) Please join my meeting from Google Chrome on your computer.https://meet.goto.com/136064517 Get Chromehttps://www.google.com/chrome/browser THE TOWN OF ELIZABETHTOWN WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON OCTOBER 29, 2024 AT 5 PM TO INTRODUCE LOCAL LAW #1 OF 2024 ENTITLED “A LOCAL LAW TO OVERRIDE THE TAX LEVY LIMIT ESTABLISHED…

2025 Budget

Budget Public Hearing, 6:15PM November Board Meeting, Public Hearing & Budget Public HearingNov 19, 2024, 6:00 – 8:30 PM (America/New_York) Please join my meeting from Google Chrome on your computer.https://meet.goto.com/954306741 Get Chromehttps://www.google.com/chrome/browser TOWN OF ELIZABETHTOWN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING UPON PRELIMINARY BUDGET NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the Preliminary Budget of the Town of Elizabethtown for the Fiscal…

STATE OF EMERGENCY 7/10/2024, extended through 10/7/2024

For individual assistance due to property damage from the July storms, please refer to the resources below:- North Country Rural Development Coalition: admin@northcountryruraldevelopment.org 518-585-6366 FEMA individual assistance: https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/4f19503f107e4541acfc552514c0dbaa NYS assistance: https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/governor-hochul-announces-11-million-emergency-assistance-response-tornadoes-and-flooding ***This links to the Governor’s article on assistance, there is a “click here” link embedded in the middle of the article*** Adirondack Roots: info@adirondackroots.org…


8/15/2024 The increase in debt service is due to the capital infrastructure upgrade to our water system, which includes a redundant well source and water plant as required by the New York State Department of Health. If you have specific questions pertaining to the capital projects, please call 518-873-6555. Cathleen A. Reusser Supervisor, Town of…


https://etownwastewater.wordpress.com As of July 2024, there will begin a monthly Wastewater meeting on the FIRST Tuesday of each month at 1:30pm. This will take place at the Elizabethtown Town Hall, 7563 Court St. December Wastewater MeetingDec 3, 2024, 1:30 – 3:30 PM (America/New_York) Please join my meeting from Google Chrome on your computer.https://meet.goto.com/538053117 Get Chromehttps://www.google.com/chrome/browser Wastewater November MeetingNov…


August 15, 2024 Our engineer is working of the final design stages of the project. Then, DEC will evaluate the design and issue appropriate permitting. UPDATE: April 16, 2024 We have received a Professional Engineering Report about the Noble Terrace Bridge. The Town Board will be reviewing the document, and discussing the options further. Noble…


UPDATE 3/12/2024: THE ENGINEER ASSESSED THE FOOTBRIDGE TODAY. HE HAS CLEARED US TO DO THE NECESSARY WORK TO UPKEEP THE BRIDGE. IT IS CURRENTLY SAFE TO USE. The Footbridge walking bridge is currently CLOSED to all traffic, pedestrian or otherwise. There have been structural findings that need to be addressed. Please check back for updates….